Wednesday, 5 April 2023

LP Dam Wat Kuti Made in year BE2432~Be2442 Material: Nur Chin Takua, mercury, wolf's tooth, old takrut, nur wanh and many more.


🔥龙婆丹 瓦古迪


🔥材料有百多年铅錫料,力泥,水银,老塔固,百年树皮,植物Wran,狼牙老料 ,古老法术找吃劲等等。     

龙婆Dam于早期与龙婆念Wat Noi齐名。 同时也是星月神僧龙婆碧纳的救命恩师,龙婆碧纳曾亲口说过:“我只学习到龙婆dam法术的皮毛” 师父在督造佛牌到现在就约百多年了。 是很老的圣物有着佛陀古式法相并且龙婆Dam属偏于柬埔寨法术高僧,早期时代柬埔寨盛行巫术降头,龙婆Dam开始以自己修行研究破解降头的法术,在佛历2420师傅开始 在深山里独自修行。佛历2425年师傅开始从深山里收集天然灵气,比如寻找水银力泥(Palot),百年老牙,百年奇树树皮。 师傅说他所制作的佛牌非常艰难的是寻找水银力泥,师傅使用臭蛋放在深山洞里,引水银力泥出来吃,水银力泥出来了并要使用药粉Wran,开始围着水银力泥 ,不然的话它会跑走。

早期时代力泥为天然灵气之宝物,很多人想拥有都没办法,而不是现代那些烂铜烂铁烧出之物,真力泥千金难求! 在佛历2432师傅收集完材料后开始回去Wat Kuthi,并使用Takua参入水银力泥煮溶,佛牌的模是师傅使用Wran草药参庙土手按而成。 在倒入熔浆前师傅都会把一些百年圣物放在里面,所以师傅的佛牌里面都是有老牙/百年树皮写经文,骨头之类的佛宝。      这类内藏佛宝的佛牌在全泰国属于唯一一种,而师傅制作这批佛牌最主要的意义就是派发给当地居民,这些佛牌可以保护好柬埔寨降头术对居民的伤害, 不管是缅甸降头巫术,回教的降头都可以很简单的一一破解。 而师傅的圣物也是有很强的招财,换运效力,后代很多泰国人佩戴此牌遇过很多奇迹,比如撞车毫无伤亡,给中降头中邪的人佩戴马上好转,佩戴的人 生活好转,人缘好转之类报导。      师傅的药师佛/佛祖/崇笛在市场非常难寻找,因为求结缘的人太多,而师傅制作的数量非常稀少,带来成功,事业蒸蒸日上,摆脱困难,可助档灾必险,也助 提升名声。 百年岁月之感,凝聚最早期的佛性力量,全能功效,大师的法门包含了招财、转运、人缘、挡灾避险、挡是非、小人、官非、索要债务等一系列强力功效 。

⭐Phra Chinarat (embedded with Wolf's Teeth)

⭐LP Dam Wat Kuti

⭐Made in year BE2432~Be2442

⭐Material: Nur Chin Takua, mercury, wolf's tooth, old takrut, nur wanh and many more.

Luang Phor Dam Wat Kuti lived in the same era as Luang Phor Niam Wat Noi. However, Luang Phor Dam specializes in Khmer magic. Back in those days, black magic was a common thing that was happening. So Luang Phor Dam would begin to study more about black magic and would try to solve it. So in BE 2420, Luang Phor Dam would be alone in the mountain to self-mediaite.

Back in the olden days, the way of getting mercury is very different from nowadays. Luang Phor Dam would have to put rotten eggs in a basket and put them in a forest with rotten leaves piled up. In order to lure the mercury into the waste of the egg. After that, one would be required to wash it with medicine. To ensure that the mercury would harden and does not flow out.

In BE 2432, once Luang Phor Dam collected the material he went back to Wat Kuti and started to consecrate amulets to the local villagers. The main purpose of consecrating amulets to the villagers for Luang Phor Dam was to protect the villagers from black magic. At the same time, it is believed that Luang Phor Dam’s sacred item can change the wearer’s luck from bad to good.

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